Shuqi Dai
Demo of Stylistic Music Generation
Personalized popular music generation using imitation and structure (paper)
In this demonstration, we extract the melodic style from Love Story, bass style from Ali Mountain Girls, and chord accompaniment style from Yesterday Once More. These styles are all combined to make a hybrid song.
Melody and structure seed: Love Story
Bass seed: Ali Mountain Girls (阿里山的姑娘)
Chord progression and chord accompaniment seed: Yesterday Once More
New generated music: final hybrid version
Melody Imitation
In the following demonstration, we generate a new melody by imitating the melody style from the input seed song, while copying the chord progression and accompaniment from either the original input seed or another song.
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Input seed song:
Generated output:
Chord Imitation
In the following demonstration, we generate a new chord progression by imitating the chord style from the input seed song.
Input chord prog:
Input chord prog:
Input chord prog:
Input chord prog:
Input chord prog:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Bass Imitation
In the following demonstration, we generate a new bass by imitating the bass style from the input seed song, while copying the chord progression and melody from either the original input seed or another song.
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Full Imitation
In the following demonstration, we generate a new song by imitating both melody, chord, bass and structure style from the input seed song.
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Input seed song:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output:
Generated output: